If you fancy taking a Peugeot abroad then Peugeot Export can help! The Export team can provide right-hand drive cars and you can purchase your car free from UK value added tax.
Am I eligible to purchase a tax-free Peugeot?
Yes, you can purchase a new Peugeot free of UK value added tax providing you export the vehicle from this country within the maximum time period allowed by HM Customs & Excise.
Can I use my new Peugeot in the UK before I export it?
If your final destination is to another EU country you are entitled to use your new tax-free vehicle for up to two months before the date of export. For full information please refer to HM Customs & Excise Notice 728.
Alternatively, if your final destination is outside the EU then you can use your new tax-free vehicle for up to six months before the date of export. For full information please refer to HM Customs & Excise Notice 705.
If you don't want to use your vehicle prior to export, direct shipment to your chosen destination can be arranged.
Can I place an order direct with Peugeot Export?
Peugeot Export only undertake the administration and supply of all Peugeot tax-free business - our sales are conducted by approved selling dealers/agents located around the UK.
Any UK Peugeot dealer will be happy to help with your enquiry, and whichever dealer you choose to contact will liaise with the Peugeot Export team for guidance. To find your local UK Peugeot dealer please call our UK Head Office on 00 44 2476 884000 or use our 'Dealer locator'.
Alternatively, we have a number of approved selling dealers or agents who are happy to help, just use the contact details below to get in touch.
Oval Military Sales
UK tel: 01722 417307
email: colin@peugeotmilitarysales.co.uk
NAAFI Car Sales
German freephone: 08000 332233
email: info@naaficarsales.com
Will I have to pay any import duties at my destination?
Peugeot Export accepts no responsibility/liability for any/all of the duties levied upon you when exporting your new vehicle.
Since Peugeot Export have no control over any import duties that may be levied upon your vehicle, we advise that you contact the relevant Embassy or High Commission (usually in London) of your destination country to seek up-to-date advice from them regarding the importation duties you may be charged.
Will I have to arrange all the Customs & Excise paperwork before I can purchase a new vehicle?
Peugeot Export and your chosen Peugeot dealer will complete all the paperwork, leaving you to just pick up the car!
Will my Peugeot be covered by a manufacturer's warranty?
Peugeot offer a three-year manufacturer's vehicle warranty, which is a worldwide agreement. Peugeot have a full dealer network in Europe; any of these dealers will be able to help with your service and warranty requirements.
Can I part exchange my existing vehicle?
Your local dealer will be happy to discuss this with you and will also be able to make a full valuation of your car.
Can I purchase a left-hand drive vehicle?
Peugeot Export can only assist with the supply of right-hand drive UK specification vehicles.
Your local UK Peugeot dealer may still be able to assist you by referring your enquiry to Peugeot Distribution based at our Head Office in Coventry.
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