Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 08:51:01 -0700
From: h????@yahoo.com
Subject: 詢問
To: help@car2tw.com
我人現在在美國, 我有二部Toyota Sienna LE.
我想帶一部回去, 一部是2008年, 里程為29000英哩.
另一部也是2008年, 但里程為6500英哩. 可否告知二部車的汽車進口稅如何計算.
另外我的車是一手車, 如果是二手的是否在關稅部份可以節省一些?
(DMV的記錄上, 買車價格可以寫少一些)
另外我還想知道貴公司在最近的日期中, 是否有集體團運?
而運車回台時, 我想請問一下用何種身份運車較好? (個人或華僑)
再一問題, 若需要請貴公司辦理運車回台, 需準備什麼資料?
里程數是否會影響關稅? No! but we can make custom officers to consider it if your vehicle is special.
如果是二手的是否在關稅部份可以節省一些? Simply speaking, NO! However if you can provide something that can prove your car value, custom officers will consider it.
我想請問一下用何種身份運車較好? (個人或華僑) : 個人
total costs:
tax = your car value * 0.63
all other costs except 牌照燃料稅 = NTD$170000 from LA
若需要請貴公司辦理運車回台灣, 需準備什麼資料? Titile. that's it. Later on when your car arrives to Taiwan, we will need your ID and passport.
The total costs (including shipping, block&bracing, custom fees, docking fees, warehouse stocking fee, ARTC testing fees, trucking in Taiwan, ....etc. and our consulting service charge to help you everything) are about NTD$170000. You will receive all receipts and invoices from different companies. If your car is in New York, Vancouver or somewhere else other than California, the cost will be a bit more. If you want us to pick up your vehicle from your house to dock, there is domestic auto transportation charge depending on distance.
For more info, please check car2tw.
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